Something Odd in the Engineering Textbook

Word ‘Trouble’ in a Racist German Dictionary

First Known Picture Of Michael Phelps

Typical PC From a Textbook Printed in 2010

Expensive Textbook Using Watermarked Istock Photos

Invisible Man

Science Textbook in China


Egypt in South America

Art History Textbook Without Any Art


American Nuclear Family


This Cat That’s Seen Terrible Things

Sexiest Rectangle in the Math Textbook

Easy Way To Recognize Birds

Drawing in the Psychoanalysis Textbook

Something that AFC West Fans Would Enjoy

Justin Bieber in Psychology Textbook

“Who am I” in Psychology Textbook

The History of North Korean For Use in Schools

Statistics Textbook Making Fun of a Crippling, Destructive Disease

Good Reason to Learn A Function

Textbook Level: Chernobyl

Weird Illustration from English Textbook in Korea

Easy Way to Remember the Colors

Experiences “That Might Not Be Advisable in Real Life”

A Man Doing Drugs

4 F’s

Term-To-Term Rules

Lex Luthor

A Woman Saying “Hello” in French to a Couple in a Bush